§ 42-4. Pedestrian safety.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose. The purpose of this section is to help ensure the safety of pedestrians on city sidewalks and streets through the orderly operation of skateboards, scooters, skates, and bicycles within the city.



    City. The City of Suwanee, A Georgia Municipal Corporation.

    Skateboards, scooters, skates, and bicycles. Vehicles used for the propulsion of people by human power, not subject to registration under state motor vehicles laws, including but not limited to bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller skates, and roller blades. This designation does not include any device operated by a person or a person directly assisting a person, who is unable to walk or otherwise ambulate without the assistance of a human-powered conveyance.

    Operate. To ride upon, drive, propel or otherwise convey oneself or others on skateboards, scooters, skates, and bicycles.




    Operating to endanger. No person shall operate a skateboard, scooter, skates, or bicycle so as to endanger any pedestrian on any public way or in such a manner as might discourage any pedestrian from the peaceful use of such public ways and sidewalks or in such a manner as to interrupt the smooth flow of automobile or pedestrian traffic.


    Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street other than upon the roadway against the curb or upon the sidewalk in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic.

    (d) Violations and penalties. An offense under this section may be tried in the city's municipal court punishable consistent with a city ordinance violation.

(Ord. of 7-24-2007, §§ 1—4)